Non v’è cosa

for Accordion, Sax, Cello and Percussion (without percussionist)
Ensemble LUX:NM

In this passage of Fragment 122 Archilochus makes the father speak of the daughter underneath a solar eclipse. In the way between the celestial bodies, within the horizon of time, everything can change, revolve, is consumed.

The poet uses these words:

“[…]Henceforth is anything whatsoever to be believed or expected. Let not one of you marvel, nay, though he see the beasts of the field exchange pasture with the dolphins of the deep, and the roaring waves of the sea become dearer than the land to such as loved the hill.”

Archilochus, fr. 122 W2


“[…] Tutto da allora è degno di fede, tutto dall’uomo può essere atteso: nessuno di voi si stupisca, nemmeno se vede le fiere scambiar coi delfini il pascolo marino, e che ad esse le onde echeggianti del mare siano più gradite della terra, così come ai delfini il monte boscoso.”

Archiloco, fr. 122 W2

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