Together with Valentina Besegher Scotti (visual artist, curator) we will discuss our artistic research and the interdisciplinary outcomes of our joint project Labor Neunzehn, at the intersection of time-based art practices.

Selected duo works in terms of material and spatial organisation (sound installation, live audiovisual performance, video art) will be presented and discussed, while an overview of our personal research on topics such as the space of resonance, the use of the archive and found footage will be offered. Extracts, including scores, sketches, video and sound recordings, will support the presentation.

Professor: Dimitri Papageorgiou

Date: May 15 Time:
18:30 – 20:30

Event Category: LectureVenue
Foyer School of Music Studies
Thermi University Campus
Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki 57001 + Google Map

School of Music Studies, A.U.Th